Module ReMake.3D_Reconstruction.pointcloud
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import math
import numpy as np
import paramiko
from os import path
import json
from datetime import datetime
import cv2
import open3d
import sys
import trimesh
from pathlib import Path
class pointCloud:
"""This class represents the 3D reconstruction bundle for proccesing the data of the scanner.
def __init__(self):
"""An object of the pointCloud class.
self.points = []
self.color = []
self.flenght = 6 #mm focal lenght of the camera
self.camera_center_distance = 300 #mm distance camera to center of the bed
self.pixelsize = 0.00155 #mm horizontal dimension for one pixel
self.camera_laser_distance = 100 #mm distance between camaera and laser (the laser ray)
self.ppm = 0 = None
self.res = (0,0)
self.points = None
self.toppoints = []
self.topcolor = []
self.topangle = []
self.pointcloud = None
self.magich = 0.8
def appendLine(self, line):
"""Add a new line of data (points with color information) to the internal buffer.
line (nparry): array of points
def debug(self):
"""Show the primary parameters of the scan and draws the points in a 3D viewer.
def download_file(self, name, host = "", port = 22, password = "raspberry", username = "pi", path = '/home/pi/TestCamera/'):
"""Download the data from the Raspberry Pi via SSh.
name (str): name of the file
host (str, optional): adress of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to "".
port (int, optional): port of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to 22.
password (str, optional): password of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to "raspberry".
username (str, optional): username of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to "pi".
path (str, optional): local path of the file. Defaults to '/home/pi/TestCamera/'.
print("Downloading data from {}".format(host))
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(host, port, username, password)
sftp = ssh.open_sftp()
#remote_file = + name)
sftp.get(path+name, name)
def load_data(self, name):
"""Load the data in memory or downloads it from the Raspberry Pi if unavailable.
name (str): name of the data file
file = Path(name)
if not file.exists():
with open(file, 'r') as js:
data = json.loads( datetime.strptime(data["date"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
self.res = tuple(data["res"])
points = []
colors = []
for s in data["samples"]:
p_array = np.array(s["points"])
xy_array = p_array[:,0].tolist()
col_array = p_array[:,1:]
#self.points = points_arr[0]
self.color = np.array(colors, dtype=object)
#self.color.reshape(( len(data["samples"]), self.res[0]))
self.points = np.array(points)
self.points.reshape(( len(data["samples"]), self.res[0]))
toppoints = []
topcolors = []
for s in data["top"]:
p_array = np.array(s["points"])
xy_array = p_array[:,0].tolist()
col_array = p_array[:,1:]
self.topcolor = np.array(colors, dtype=object)
self.toppoints = np.array(toppoints)
self.toppoints.reshape(( len(data["top"]), self.res[0]))
print("Data loaded successfully")
def show_laser(self, index):
"""Generate an image from the data available.
index (int): index of the picture taken by the scanner
nparray: image generated
img = np.zeros((self.res[0], self.res[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
points = self.points[index]
for x, y in enumerate(points):
img[x,y] = tuple(self.color[index, x])
#print(tuple(self.color[index, x]))
return img
def compute_ppm(self):
"""Compute the ppm (pixels per meter) variable.
self.ppm = (self.camera_center_distance - self.camera_laser_distance) / self.flenght
self.ppm = self.ppm * self.pixelsize
def set_ppm(self, new_ppm):
"""Manually set the ppm (pixels per meter) variable.
new_ppm (float): new ppm value
self.ppm = new_ppm
def create_pointcloud(self, viewPC=False):
"""Generate in memory a new pointcloud from the data loaded and calculate its parameters.
viewPC (bool, optional): flag to show a 3D representation of the points. Defaults to False.
if self.ppm == 0:
center = self.res[1]/2
hcenter = self.res[0]/2
vertex = []
colors = []
multiplier = self.camera_center_distance / self.camera_laser_distance
for index, view in enumerate(self.points):
alpha = math.radians(self.angle[index])
for height, pixel in enumerate(view):
if pixel>=0 :
d = self.ppm * (pixel-center) * multiplier
x = d * math.cos(alpha)
y = d * math.sin(alpha)
z = height * self.ppm * self.magich
cond = False or z < 200#(z>0 and z<294) or (abs(pixel-center<40)
if cond:
vertex.append((x, y, z))
rc = self.color[index, height, 0]
gc = self.color[index, height, 1]
bc = self.color[index, height, 2]
colors.append((rc, gc, bc))
#Apply the same alghorithm for the top points but with the scanning plane rotated by 90 degrees
for index, view in enumerate(self.toppoints):
alpha = math.radians(self.topangle[index])
for height, pixel in enumerate(view):
if pixel>=0 :
d = self.ppm * (pixel-center) * multiplier * .1 + 150
h = self.ppm * (height-hcenter) * self.magich * .7
x = h * math.cos(alpha)
y = h * math.sin(alpha)
z = d
cond = abs(d-152) < 10 #???
if cond:
vertex.append((x, y, z))
rc = self.topcolor[index, height, 0]
gc = self.topcolor[index, height, 1]
bc = self.topcolor[index, height, 2]
colors.append((rc, gc, bc))
self.pointcloud = open3d.geometry.PointCloud()
self.pointcloud.points = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(vertex))
self.pointcloud.colors = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(colors)/255)
self.pointcloud.estimate_normals(search_param=open3d.geometry.KDTreeSearchParamHybrid(radius=0.001, max_nn=30))
_, ind = self.pointcloud.remove_statistical_outlier(nb_neighbors=20, std_ratio=0.02)
#_, ind = self.pointcloud.remove_radius_outlier(nb_points=20, radius=20)#remove_statistical_outlier(nb_neighbors=1000, std_ratio=0.0001)
self.pointcloud = self.pointcloud.select_by_index(ind)
_, ind = self.pointcloud.remove_radius_outlier(nb_points=50, radius=20)#remove_statistical_outlier(nb_neighbors=1000, std_ratio=0.0001)
self.pointcloud = self.pointcloud.select_by_index(ind)
self.pointcloud.rotate(self.pointcloud.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz((np.pi / 2, 0, np.pi / 4)),center=(0, 0, 0))
if viewPC:
def poisson_reconstruction(self, depth):
"""Reconstruct a mesh of the pointcloud using Poisson's algorithm.
depth (int): parameter used to reconstruct the mesh
mesh: generated mesh
mesh = open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_poisson(self.pointcloud, depth=depth, width=0, scale=1.1, linear_fit=True)[0]
bbox = self.pointcloud.get_axis_aligned_bounding_box()
mesh = mesh.crop(bbox)
return mesh
def alpha_reconstruction(self, alpha):
"""Reconstruct a mesh of the pointcloud using Alpha reconstruction algorithm.
alpha (float): alpha parameter used in reconstruction
mesh: generated mesh
mesh = open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_alpha_shape(self.pointcloud, alpha)
return mesh
def ball_reconstruction(self, mult):
"""Reconstruct a mesh of the pointcloud using the pivoting ball algorithm.
mult (int): multiplier used to determine the ball size
mesh: generated mesh
radii = [0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04]*mult
mesh = open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_ball_pivoting(self.pointcloud, open3d.utility.DoubleVector(radii))
return mesh
def save_mesh(self, mesh, name):
"""Save the mesh using STL format.
mesh (mesh): mesh to be saved
name (str): name for the file
""""{}.stl".format(name), mesh)
def fromImage(self, im):
"""Primitive algorithm used to extract data out of an boolean image containing the laser position.
im (nparray): image from which the data should be extracted
for k, line in enumerate(im):
if len(self.points) == 0:
seed = -1
seed = self.points[k-1]
point = self.__linePoint(line, seed)
def __linePoint(self, line, seed=-1): #to be made private
"""Determine the laser position in a line of an image using Divide et Impera algorithm and the seed of the last position.
line (nparray): line from an image
seed (int, optional): seed with the last position found. Defaults to -1.
int: position of the laser
mid = (int)((cs+cd)/2)
if seed < 0:
if seed >= mid:
for st in range(seed,cs,-1):
if line[st] > 0:
return st
if line[dr] > 0:
return dr
dr = min(dr + 1, cd - 1) #use cd-1 because line is indexed from 0
st = seed
for dr in range(seed, cd, 1):
if line[st] > 0:
return st
if line[dr] > 0:
return dr
st = max(st - 1, cs)
return -1
if __name__ == "__main__":
view = True
p = pointCloud()
img = p.show_laser(1)
mesh = p.alpha_reconstruction(50)
#mesh = p.poisson_reconstruction(3)
#mesh = p.ball_reconstruction(1)
p.save_mesh(mesh, "demo")
if view:
vis = open3d.visualization.Visualizer()
meshh = trimesh.load_mesh('demo.stl')
#meshh = as_mesh(meshh)
if view:
if view:
cv2.imshow("any", img)
k = cv2.waitKey(0)
class pointCloud
This class represents the 3D reconstruction bundle for proccesing the data of the scanner.
An object of the pointCloud class.
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class pointCloud: """This class represents the 3D reconstruction bundle for proccesing the data of the scanner. """ def __init__(self): """An object of the pointCloud class. """ self.points = [] self.color = [] self.flenght = 6 #mm focal lenght of the camera self.camera_center_distance = 300 #mm distance camera to center of the bed self.pixelsize = 0.00155 #mm horizontal dimension for one pixel self.camera_laser_distance = 100 #mm distance between camaera and laser (the laser ray) self.ppm = 0 = None self.res = (0,0) self.angle=[] self.points = None self.toppoints = [] self.topcolor = [] self.topangle = [] self.pointcloud = None self.magich = 0.8 def appendLine(self, line): """Add a new line of data (points with color information) to the internal buffer. Args: line (nparry): array of points """ self.points.append(line) def debug(self): """Show the primary parameters of the scan and draws the points in a 3D viewer. """ print(self.points) print(self.ppm) print(self.res) open3d.visualization.draw_geometries([self.pointcloud]) def download_file(self, name, host = "", port = 22, password = "raspberry", username = "pi", path = '/home/pi/TestCamera/'): """Download the data from the Raspberry Pi via SSh. Args: name (str): name of the file host (str, optional): adress of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to "". port (int, optional): port of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to 22. password (str, optional): password of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to "raspberry". username (str, optional): username of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to "pi". path (str, optional): local path of the file. Defaults to '/home/pi/TestCamera/'. """ print("Downloading data from {}".format(host)) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(host, port, username, password) sftp = ssh.open_sftp() #remote_file = + name) try: sftp.get(path+name, name) finally: sftp.close() ssh.close() def load_data(self, name): """Load the data in memory or downloads it from the Raspberry Pi if unavailable. Args: name (str): name of the data file """ file = Path(name) if not file.exists(): self.download_file(name) with open(file, 'r') as js: data = json.loads( datetime.strptime(data["date"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") self.res = tuple(data["res"]) points = [] colors = [] for s in data["samples"]: self.angle.append(s["angle"]) p_array = np.array(s["points"]) xy_array = p_array[:,0].tolist() col_array = p_array[:,1:] points.append(xy_array) colors.append(col_array) #print(points) #self.points = points_arr[0] self.color = np.array(colors, dtype=object) #self.color.reshape(( len(data["samples"]), self.res[0])) self.points = np.array(points) #print(points[1]) #print(self.points.shape) self.points.reshape(( len(data["samples"]), self.res[0])) toppoints = [] topcolors = [] for s in data["top"]: self.topangle.append(s["angle"]) p_array = np.array(s["points"]) xy_array = p_array[:,0].tolist() col_array = p_array[:,1:] toppoints.append(xy_array) topcolors.append(col_array) self.topcolor = np.array(colors, dtype=object) self.toppoints = np.array(toppoints) #print(points) self.toppoints.reshape(( len(data["top"]), self.res[0])) print("Data loaded successfully") #print( js.close() def show_laser(self, index): """Generate an image from the data available. Args: index (int): index of the picture taken by the scanner Returns: nparray: image generated """ img = np.zeros((self.res[0], self.res[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) points = self.points[index] for x, y in enumerate(points): img[x,y] = tuple(self.color[index, x]) #print(tuple(self.color[index, x])) return img def compute_ppm(self): """Compute the ppm (pixels per meter) variable. """ self.ppm = (self.camera_center_distance - self.camera_laser_distance) / self.flenght self.ppm = self.ppm * self.pixelsize def set_ppm(self, new_ppm): """Manually set the ppm (pixels per meter) variable. Args: new_ppm (float): new ppm value """ self.ppm = new_ppm def create_pointcloud(self, viewPC=False): """Generate in memory a new pointcloud from the data loaded and calculate its parameters. Args: viewPC (bool, optional): flag to show a 3D representation of the points. Defaults to False. """ #self.pointcloud if self.ppm == 0: self.compute_ppm() center = self.res[1]/2 hcenter = self.res[0]/2 vertex = [] colors = [] multiplier = self.camera_center_distance / self.camera_laser_distance for index, view in enumerate(self.points): alpha = math.radians(self.angle[index]) for height, pixel in enumerate(view): if pixel>=0 : d = self.ppm * (pixel-center) * multiplier x = d * math.cos(alpha) y = d * math.sin(alpha) z = height * self.ppm * self.magich cond = False or z < 200#(z>0 and z<294) or (abs(pixel-center<40) if cond: vertex.append((x, y, z)) rc = self.color[index, height, 0] gc = self.color[index, height, 1] bc = self.color[index, height, 2] colors.append((rc, gc, bc)) #Apply the same alghorithm for the top points but with the scanning plane rotated by 90 degrees for index, view in enumerate(self.toppoints): alpha = math.radians(self.topangle[index]) for height, pixel in enumerate(view): if pixel>=0 : d = self.ppm * (pixel-center) * multiplier * .1 + 150 h = self.ppm * (height-hcenter) * self.magich * .7 x = h * math.cos(alpha) y = h * math.sin(alpha) z = d cond = abs(d-152) < 10 #??? if cond: vertex.append((x, y, z)) rc = self.topcolor[index, height, 0] gc = self.topcolor[index, height, 1] bc = self.topcolor[index, height, 2] colors.append((rc, gc, bc)) #print(colors) self.pointcloud = open3d.geometry.PointCloud() self.pointcloud.points = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(vertex)) self.pointcloud.colors = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(colors)/255) self.pointcloud.estimate_normals(search_param=open3d.geometry.KDTreeSearchParamHybrid(radius=0.001, max_nn=30)) _, ind = self.pointcloud.remove_statistical_outlier(nb_neighbors=20, std_ratio=0.02) #_, ind = self.pointcloud.remove_radius_outlier(nb_points=20, radius=20)#remove_statistical_outlier(nb_neighbors=1000, std_ratio=0.0001) self.pointcloud = self.pointcloud.select_by_index(ind) _, ind = self.pointcloud.remove_radius_outlier(nb_points=50, radius=20)#remove_statistical_outlier(nb_neighbors=1000, std_ratio=0.0001) self.pointcloud = self.pointcloud.select_by_index(ind) self.pointcloud.rotate(self.pointcloud.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz((np.pi / 2, 0, np.pi / 4)),center=(0, 0, 0)) if viewPC: open3d.visualization.draw_geometries([self.pointcloud]) def poisson_reconstruction(self, depth): """Reconstruct a mesh of the pointcloud using Poisson's algorithm. Args: depth (int): parameter used to reconstruct the mesh Returns: mesh: generated mesh """ mesh = open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_poisson(self.pointcloud, depth=depth, width=0, scale=1.1, linear_fit=True)[0] open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.compute_triangle_normals(mesh) bbox = self.pointcloud.get_axis_aligned_bounding_box() mesh = mesh.crop(bbox) return mesh def alpha_reconstruction(self, alpha): """Reconstruct a mesh of the pointcloud using Alpha reconstruction algorithm. Args: alpha (float): alpha parameter used in reconstruction Returns: mesh: generated mesh """ mesh = open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_alpha_shape(self.pointcloud, alpha) mesh.compute_vertex_normals() return mesh def ball_reconstruction(self, mult): """Reconstruct a mesh of the pointcloud using the pivoting ball algorithm. Args: mult (int): multiplier used to determine the ball size Returns: mesh: generated mesh """ radii = [0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04]*mult mesh = open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_ball_pivoting(self.pointcloud, open3d.utility.DoubleVector(radii)) return mesh def save_mesh(self, mesh, name): """Save the mesh using STL format. Args: mesh (mesh): mesh to be saved name (str): name for the file """"{}.stl".format(name), mesh) def fromImage(self, im): """Primitive algorithm used to extract data out of an boolean image containing the laser position. Args: im (nparray): image from which the data should be extracted """ for k, line in enumerate(im): if len(self.points) == 0: seed = -1 else: seed = self.points[k-1] point = self.__linePoint(line, seed) self.points.append(point) def __linePoint(self, line, seed=-1): #to be made private """Determine the laser position in a line of an image using Divide et Impera algorithm and the seed of the last position. Args: line (nparray): line from an image seed (int, optional): seed with the last position found. Defaults to -1. Returns: int: position of the laser """ cs=0 cd=len(line) mid = (int)((cs+cd)/2) if seed < 0: seed=mid if seed >= mid: dr=seed for st in range(seed,cs,-1): if line[st] > 0: return st if line[dr] > 0: return dr dr = min(dr + 1, cd - 1) #use cd-1 because line is indexed from 0 else: st = seed for dr in range(seed, cd, 1): if line[st] > 0: return st if line[dr] > 0: return dr st = max(st - 1, cs) return -1
def alpha_reconstruction(self, alpha)
Reconstruct a mesh of the pointcloud using Alpha reconstruction algorithm.
- alpha parameter used in reconstruction
- generated mesh
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def alpha_reconstruction(self, alpha): """Reconstruct a mesh of the pointcloud using Alpha reconstruction algorithm. Args: alpha (float): alpha parameter used in reconstruction Returns: mesh: generated mesh """ mesh = open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_alpha_shape(self.pointcloud, alpha) mesh.compute_vertex_normals() return mesh
def appendLine(self, line)
Add a new line of data (points with color information) to the internal buffer.
- array of points
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def appendLine(self, line): """Add a new line of data (points with color information) to the internal buffer. Args: line (nparry): array of points """ self.points.append(line)
def ball_reconstruction(self, mult)
Reconstruct a mesh of the pointcloud using the pivoting ball algorithm.
- multiplier used to determine the ball size
- generated mesh
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def ball_reconstruction(self, mult): """Reconstruct a mesh of the pointcloud using the pivoting ball algorithm. Args: mult (int): multiplier used to determine the ball size Returns: mesh: generated mesh """ radii = [0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04]*mult mesh = open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_ball_pivoting(self.pointcloud, open3d.utility.DoubleVector(radii)) return mesh
def compute_ppm(self)
Compute the ppm (pixels per meter) variable.
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def compute_ppm(self): """Compute the ppm (pixels per meter) variable. """ self.ppm = (self.camera_center_distance - self.camera_laser_distance) / self.flenght self.ppm = self.ppm * self.pixelsize
def create_pointcloud(self, viewPC=False)
Generate in memory a new pointcloud from the data loaded and calculate its parameters.
, optional- flag to show a 3D representation of the points. Defaults to False.
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def create_pointcloud(self, viewPC=False): """Generate in memory a new pointcloud from the data loaded and calculate its parameters. Args: viewPC (bool, optional): flag to show a 3D representation of the points. Defaults to False. """ #self.pointcloud if self.ppm == 0: self.compute_ppm() center = self.res[1]/2 hcenter = self.res[0]/2 vertex = [] colors = [] multiplier = self.camera_center_distance / self.camera_laser_distance for index, view in enumerate(self.points): alpha = math.radians(self.angle[index]) for height, pixel in enumerate(view): if pixel>=0 : d = self.ppm * (pixel-center) * multiplier x = d * math.cos(alpha) y = d * math.sin(alpha) z = height * self.ppm * self.magich cond = False or z < 200#(z>0 and z<294) or (abs(pixel-center<40) if cond: vertex.append((x, y, z)) rc = self.color[index, height, 0] gc = self.color[index, height, 1] bc = self.color[index, height, 2] colors.append((rc, gc, bc)) #Apply the same alghorithm for the top points but with the scanning plane rotated by 90 degrees for index, view in enumerate(self.toppoints): alpha = math.radians(self.topangle[index]) for height, pixel in enumerate(view): if pixel>=0 : d = self.ppm * (pixel-center) * multiplier * .1 + 150 h = self.ppm * (height-hcenter) * self.magich * .7 x = h * math.cos(alpha) y = h * math.sin(alpha) z = d cond = abs(d-152) < 10 #??? if cond: vertex.append((x, y, z)) rc = self.topcolor[index, height, 0] gc = self.topcolor[index, height, 1] bc = self.topcolor[index, height, 2] colors.append((rc, gc, bc)) #print(colors) self.pointcloud = open3d.geometry.PointCloud() self.pointcloud.points = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(vertex)) self.pointcloud.colors = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(colors)/255) self.pointcloud.estimate_normals(search_param=open3d.geometry.KDTreeSearchParamHybrid(radius=0.001, max_nn=30)) _, ind = self.pointcloud.remove_statistical_outlier(nb_neighbors=20, std_ratio=0.02) #_, ind = self.pointcloud.remove_radius_outlier(nb_points=20, radius=20)#remove_statistical_outlier(nb_neighbors=1000, std_ratio=0.0001) self.pointcloud = self.pointcloud.select_by_index(ind) _, ind = self.pointcloud.remove_radius_outlier(nb_points=50, radius=20)#remove_statistical_outlier(nb_neighbors=1000, std_ratio=0.0001) self.pointcloud = self.pointcloud.select_by_index(ind) self.pointcloud.rotate(self.pointcloud.get_rotation_matrix_from_xyz((np.pi / 2, 0, np.pi / 4)),center=(0, 0, 0)) if viewPC: open3d.visualization.draw_geometries([self.pointcloud])
def debug(self)
Show the primary parameters of the scan and draws the points in a 3D viewer.
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def debug(self): """Show the primary parameters of the scan and draws the points in a 3D viewer. """ print(self.points) print(self.ppm) print(self.res) open3d.visualization.draw_geometries([self.pointcloud])
def download_file(self, name, host='', port=22, password='raspberry', username='pi', path='/home/pi/TestCamera/')
Download the data from the Raspberry Pi via SSh.
- name of the file
, optional- adress of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to "".
, optional- port of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to 22.
, optional- password of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to "raspberry".
, optional- username of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to "pi".
, optional- local path of the file. Defaults to '/home/pi/TestCamera/'.
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def download_file(self, name, host = "", port = 22, password = "raspberry", username = "pi", path = '/home/pi/TestCamera/'): """Download the data from the Raspberry Pi via SSh. Args: name (str): name of the file host (str, optional): adress of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to "". port (int, optional): port of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to 22. password (str, optional): password of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to "raspberry". username (str, optional): username of the Raspberry Pi. Defaults to "pi". path (str, optional): local path of the file. Defaults to '/home/pi/TestCamera/'. """ print("Downloading data from {}".format(host)) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(host, port, username, password) sftp = ssh.open_sftp() #remote_file = + name) try: sftp.get(path+name, name) finally: sftp.close() ssh.close()
def fromImage(self, im)
Primitive algorithm used to extract data out of an boolean image containing the laser position.
- image from which the data should be extracted
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def fromImage(self, im): """Primitive algorithm used to extract data out of an boolean image containing the laser position. Args: im (nparray): image from which the data should be extracted """ for k, line in enumerate(im): if len(self.points) == 0: seed = -1 else: seed = self.points[k-1] point = self.__linePoint(line, seed) self.points.append(point)
def load_data(self, name)
Load the data in memory or downloads it from the Raspberry Pi if unavailable.
- name of the data file
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def load_data(self, name): """Load the data in memory or downloads it from the Raspberry Pi if unavailable. Args: name (str): name of the data file """ file = Path(name) if not file.exists(): self.download_file(name) with open(file, 'r') as js: data = json.loads( datetime.strptime(data["date"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") self.res = tuple(data["res"]) points = [] colors = [] for s in data["samples"]: self.angle.append(s["angle"]) p_array = np.array(s["points"]) xy_array = p_array[:,0].tolist() col_array = p_array[:,1:] points.append(xy_array) colors.append(col_array) #print(points) #self.points = points_arr[0] self.color = np.array(colors, dtype=object) #self.color.reshape(( len(data["samples"]), self.res[0])) self.points = np.array(points) #print(points[1]) #print(self.points.shape) self.points.reshape(( len(data["samples"]), self.res[0])) toppoints = [] topcolors = [] for s in data["top"]: self.topangle.append(s["angle"]) p_array = np.array(s["points"]) xy_array = p_array[:,0].tolist() col_array = p_array[:,1:] toppoints.append(xy_array) topcolors.append(col_array) self.topcolor = np.array(colors, dtype=object) self.toppoints = np.array(toppoints) #print(points) self.toppoints.reshape(( len(data["top"]), self.res[0])) print("Data loaded successfully") #print( js.close()
def poisson_reconstruction(self, depth)
Reconstruct a mesh of the pointcloud using Poisson's algorithm.
- parameter used to reconstruct the mesh
- generated mesh
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def poisson_reconstruction(self, depth): """Reconstruct a mesh of the pointcloud using Poisson's algorithm. Args: depth (int): parameter used to reconstruct the mesh Returns: mesh: generated mesh """ mesh = open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_poisson(self.pointcloud, depth=depth, width=0, scale=1.1, linear_fit=True)[0] open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.compute_triangle_normals(mesh) bbox = self.pointcloud.get_axis_aligned_bounding_box() mesh = mesh.crop(bbox) return mesh
def save_mesh(self, mesh, name)
Save the mesh using STL format.
- mesh to be saved
- name for the file
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def save_mesh(self, mesh, name): """Save the mesh using STL format. Args: mesh (mesh): mesh to be saved name (str): name for the file """"{}.stl".format(name), mesh)
def set_ppm(self, new_ppm)
Manually set the ppm (pixels per meter) variable.
- new ppm value
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def set_ppm(self, new_ppm): """Manually set the ppm (pixels per meter) variable. Args: new_ppm (float): new ppm value """ self.ppm = new_ppm
def show_laser(self, index)
Generate an image from the data available.
- index of the picture taken by the scanner
- image generated
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def show_laser(self, index): """Generate an image from the data available. Args: index (int): index of the picture taken by the scanner Returns: nparray: image generated """ img = np.zeros((self.res[0], self.res[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) points = self.points[index] for x, y in enumerate(points): img[x,y] = tuple(self.color[index, x]) #print(tuple(self.color[index, x])) return img